29 April, 2007

I've been remiss at writing and posting photos on my blog of late.

First there was Easter and Grandchildren staying over, lots of fun and they helped me paint the spare bedroom, at 11 and 13 they did a great job.

Then I painted the kitchen cupboards inside and out, I'm not big on fancy kitchens but needed to update so painting was the way to do it. That was messy, cupboard contents all over the dining room and laundry. Losing stuff, finding stuff, putting stuff back in cupboards and finding I had more room.

I've moved my work room upstairs out of the way, I feel like I need a break from all the sewing or at least a change in some way and as of now I'm not sure what that change is going to be or what its going to bring.

My house has been neglected for some time as I have always spent a lot of time sewing for most of my life, I feel like a change now and I'm actually enjoying the cleaning up and thowing out, the painting and rearranging, making decisions about what I need and what I can do without.

Today I felt like sewing or creating something but a family visit was planned so it didn't happen. Friends coming tomorrow for a patchwork day so I may get something done then.

I have photos in my camera to download but my cardreader isn't working and so far I have no idea whats wrong so the photos will have to wait.

This was a photo of a flower. I played with it in Paint Shop Pro and was rather pleased with the way it looked.

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